Hello people! Glad to be back in the world of humans after yesterday! Today I (thanks to dad for help) boned a shoulder of lamb! I passed the knife down the edge of the bone and, doing little cuts, cut it off! It worked like a dream. I then stuffed it with a mixture of parsley, garlic and rosemary, rolled it and tied it up and put it in the fridge until further use.
I started by browning the meat on all sides in hot oil, then the bones, then some vegetables. I removed the vegetables and I added some wine to the mix, boiled it down, and added the meat, bones and vegetables back in. I added some stock and put it in the oven for about two hours. Meanwhile, I cooked some dried white haricot beans and I added them half an hour before the end of the cooking time. I took the lamb out and sliced it up. Served it and it was goood (sorry, I couldn’t help myself). It was snazzy. The meat would have been better if it had been cooked a bit longer (you would be able to cut it with a spoon), and the beans were a tiny bit under (they were a bit hard) but they. were. great.
Okay! That was a nice comeback meal from yesterday. Two recipes. I must go now, I shot a bunny and I made my last confession one hour ago so I have to make a new one. May the lord be with you! XD
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