I’m seriously losing ideas for these intros. Anyway, I like doing them so you’ll have to support my bitching. I made a Spinach Soufflé with Ratatouille and it took waaay longer than it should have (just like writing these blog posts, I swear I take at least an hour over them).
Okay, I made the ratatouille in a classic way, which is different to how I usually make it. I made it on the stovetop and not in an onion. You start by salting the aubergines and courgettes and letting them steep for a half hour. Now you’re gonna fry ‘dem babies in OIL until nice and crispy. Put them on a side dish and long fry some onions and peppers . Now add some peeled, seeded tomatoes with some garlic and fry, covered. now mix all that stuff up and cook with lots more oil and salt. It produces a very similar result compared to the onion recipe. The key is to cook everything separately and THEN mix it all up. It was less pretty than other ratatouilles but tasted more authentic. It was a right old pain to make though and took a long long time (ROCKET MAAAN!).
The soufflé was the same sort of thing as the other day. I made an extremely gloopy béchamel and added egg yolk so it looked like a pâte à choux, then added some spinach (I didn’t last time). Whisk some egg whites and then fold them in. Plop it into the greased mould and into the onion she goes! Seriously good.
That’s it! For those of you who noticed, I didn’t post yesterday, well the reason for that is because I joined a spaghetti cult and the rituals really took it out of me. So I took a break. But I’ll see you tomorrow!
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