Hi guys! so during quarantine i have been doing fair bit of cooking (Who hasn’t am I right? XD ) and I decided to take this challenge on. So with no recipe I decided to try and fill ravioli with a mushroom duxelles and a raw egg yolk so the egg yolk cooks but is still runny when you cut into it and it mixes with some sage butter to create an utterly moreish sauce. It took a couple tries to get right but ive got the hang of it now and I want to share it with you . This like some other recipes is a full dish (starter) so no need for anything else (unless you find something that works great in which case leave a comment saying so!). This is great for a supper party because you can – though i havent tried – in theory make them, then put them in the fridge to be cooked just before you serve. It is sure to get a WOW.
Serves 3 as a starter
For the dough:
2 eggs
200g flour
splash of water
For the Duxelles:
300g mushrooms
1 onion finely chopped
tbsp of cream
For the Ravioli:
3 egg yolks
To serve:
4 Sage leaves
100g Butter
6 asparagus
large handful of mizuna
Make the dough by putting the flour in a bowl, making a well in the center and putting the eggs in. then beat the eggs lightly trying to keep them in the centre and then mix everything together. If needed add a splash of water. Bring it all together into a ball and refrigerate for 30mins at least
Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms very finely. Heat some oil in a large heavy based pan and fry the onion until soft – about 2 minutes. Then add the mushrooms until all their water has evaporated. Watery Mushrooms can ruin a dish. Once all the water has evaporated add the cream – you may need slightly more than specified, its not an exact science. Fry for 2 minutes longer and blend with a stick blender.
Cook the asparagus in hot salted water until cooked through. Drain (keeping the water because this will be used to cooked the pasta in and keep hot – I do this by putting them in a sieve over the bowl of drained water with a lid on top, then remove the water from underneath, put it in a pan and heat it up when you want to cook the ravioli.
Roll out the pasta in a machine down to the finest setting. cut out a circle of 6 cm roughly, place a tsp of duxelles in the center and make a large well in the middle (do this by pinching the ends up all around the edge) then put an egg yolk in the well. put some water on your finger and dab the whole way round (this will help stick the top to the bottom) then cut a circle of 8.5 cm and put it on top press round the edges so it sticks, put on a floured plate. Repeat for all 3 ravioli. Drop into boiling water and cook for 2min30. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a pan, then add the sage, and cook until it smells nice (make sure not to burn the sage).
To serve, put a small handful of mizuna on each plate, put the ravioli on top, place 2 asparagus on top in a cross, then drizzle some sage butter on top. and grate some parmesan on top too.
Serve immediately
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